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Profiles In Management: Pt 1: Leadership
Dr. Warren Bennis with 3 renowned CEOs: Sanford Sigoloff, Jane Evans and Harold Williams.
Leadership is the pivotal force behind every organization. The three CEOs discuss their leadership strategies, revealing their four common competencies:• having a Vision• Communicating it• creating an atmosphere of Trust in which to work• possessing a great deal of Self-knowledge.
Profiles In Management: Pt 2: Motivation
Dr. Warren Bennis with 3 renowned CEOs: Sanford Sigoloff, Jane Evans and Harold Williams.
What do effective leaders do to get their employees motivated? Three executives share their motivational techniques. How they help develop a sense of commitment, a sense of direction, a sense of growth, and a sense of teamwork.
Speed, Simplicity & Self-Confidence
As its iconoclastic and tough-minded CEO, Jack Welch literally revolutionized GE, taking its sales from $25 billion in 1980 to $60.2 billion in 1991. In this programme, Jack Welch talks candidly with Warren Bennis, examining how the elements of speed, simplicity and selfconfidence translate directly... read more